Katie playing piano and singing with her dad!
I believe learning an instrument can help to develop character, confidence, and is a whole lot of fun. It also takes an incredible amount of discipline to practice and persevere, especially in the beginning stages. Learning to read music is learning a different language!
That is why I especially love working with beginners of ALL ages, children and adults. I love teaching students who are ready to learn, motivated, and who love music.
Lessons for children:
I accept students ages 3 and up. I require that the student is willing and ready to learn at each and every lesson, and dedicated to daily practice.
Parent/guardian involvement is instrumental in your child's success as a musician! I wholeheartedly agree with the philosophy of the necessary partnership of parent, teacher, and student for your student's best progress and growth. Parental support during the process of learning a new skill is the only way to ensure your child will rise to the challenges it presents!
All young children who begin piano study with me start with workbooks and keyboards at the same time, so that we can learn the language of music no matter what learning style the child subscribes to, be it visual, physical, or other! When learning a new language like music, Iām ready to take any approach that works for my students!
Through our study of the piano, we learn musicianship skills, musicality, and an appreciation for hard work and self discipline. I always tell the children in my studio, "I am not interested in you being perfect - then we would all just be robots and no one would need to take lessons! I want you to work hard and do your best." And that's true - I reward hard work - of both my young students, and their parents!